
Sustainability Practices


The entertainment industry is notoriously wasteful. At Three Fates, we are determined to forge a new path. Our focus is to be as low-waste, ethical and sustainable as can be when building the worlds for our stories to live within. When sourcing costumes, props, and set pieces, we aim to use second-hand and borrowed materials where possible, and encourage all our artists to strive to work creatively with as little waste as possible.

Digital marketing is a major avenue for theatre companies, but paper advertising (in the form of programs, posters, flyers, and postcards) is still one of the main ways shows are promoted to the general public. Where possible, we plan to use recycled and eco-friendly paper materials, and keep our environmental impact to a minimum.

We are proud of our sustainability efforts, but we are constantly searching for more ways to reduce our environmental impact and be better with every show that we do. We welcome any tips and advice from creators in the industry.

Zero-waste costume design by Laura Jean Hawkins